July 8, 2015

Residents get Moore info

By Suzanne Werre

Representatives of Moore Engineering and Weisz and Sons, Inc., were on hand Wednesday night to update residents who live along the section of Borchardt Avenue that is going to be affected by the floodwater project this summer, describing what will be going on and answering questions from the audience.

Cyndee Baumann, who lives on the south side of Borchardt, said she thought the meeting went pretty well, and that her questions were answered.

Her main concern going into the meeting was how long the residents along that area (from Main to Second Street) would be losing water and sewer, and/or power.

"As far as how long we were going to be without power, water -- that kind of thing, the sewer . . . and when they said it would be just hours at a time, I guess I wasn’t concerned about that," said Baumann.

"We want to let you know what to expect with the work that’s going to be going on in your area, particularly along Borchardt," Dave Wicke of Moore Engineering said.



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