September 18, 2008

Quilting for a cause

By Stu Merry, BHG News Services

“I wonder – what could I find that would represent Riverdale?” Those were the thoughts of Bev Leingang, Riverdale city auditor, when trying to think of something she could donate from Riverdale that could be used for a North Dakota League of Cities silent auction later this month. “Hmm … what could that be?” Then, it suddenly struck her. It was right in front of her. Quilts. Yes, quilts. Quilts from the Riverdale Quilt Club. The group of about 20 women meets monthly in a room in city hall. Leingang even has a wall hanging in her office – compliments of one of the quilters. What a better choice. “I thought of them because they are pretty handy with their quilts,” Leingang said. “And we always bug you a lot,” Diane Kwasniewski, one of the club members quickly quipped.



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