November 20, 2018

Participation or competition for co-ops questioned

BHG News
The report on the Cougar Co-op report was front and center on the Turtle Lake-Mercer School board agenda for November 13. The basic question was to either abide by the co-op agreement or change the agreement so that it would be followed.
Coaching positions continue to be issues for getting the sports covered, with questions as to paying for coaches with low involvement of athletes for some sports, notably cross-country, golf, and track.
With co-ops, large numbers of eligible players in certain years meant many players would not get playing time, another concern where team spirit and participation is needed. In other sports, low numbers make it difficult to justify the sport continuing. “We don’t want to tell a kid they can’t run,” said one board member. “Do we set minimums?”
“Are we having sports for participation or for competition for outstanding athletes?” asked another board member.
One concern were coaches reporting that the kids didn’t seem to care, becoming no- shows for practice, but wanting to play in games.
Another concern for low numbers on varsity or other levels was moving a lower-grade level athlete up to fill in. Here safety was a concern, with younger players often  smaller in stature than the older team members.



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