January 10, 2017

Fischer-man just chillin’ in his Peterbilt

By Suzanne Werre
It’s not very often that one sees a Peterbilt out on the ice. They’re more of a long-haul type of truck.
Alex Fischer says his ’95 Peterbilt Megacab may not be as high-end as an Ice Castle fishing house – there’s no big screen, fireplace or gaming table – but it’s just fine for him, and he thinks it’s pretty awesome.
“It’s the only Peterbilt out there,” said the Underwood High School junior. “It’s the only one I’ve seen out there.
“It’s nothing compared to an Ice Castle, but this is my own,” he added. “It’s probably the best bang for the buck, I’d say.”
Since he bought his blue Peterbilt sleeper-turned-ice house in December, he’s been spending as much time out on the ice as he can. Every weekend, and as many days after work as he can get out on the ice, he’s been there.
He was out this Sunday afternoon, and had planned on staying into the night, but the wind started coming up and he thought it was a good idea to hook the ice house back up to his pick-up and bring it back home rather than leave it there and let it get drifted in.



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