July 16, 2014

Finding Riehl rewards in payroll

The back-to-school commercials have already started, and Underwood’s new school business manager Angela (Angie) Riehl (pronounced real) is making sure she’s ready to meet the students and their parents when registration rolls around next month.

"I’m hoping to get to know everybody and make the transition from the old business manager to myself as painless as possible," she said with a smile.

Riehl is replacing former business manager Bobbi Jo Anderson, who accepted a position at the Garrison School District. Riehl, herself, is actually moving from the Wilton School District, where she was business manager for five years, to the Underwood School District.

"It was a good time to try a new environment," she said.

Riehl has a degree in visual arts from Minnesota State University – Moorhead.
"My concentration was in ceramics, so it makes perfect sense that I’m a business manager," she laughed.



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