June 5, 2013

Fighting cancer takes a village

By Michael Johnson, Editor

Ralph Driessen can’t help but have a good attitude about life, even if his body says he can’t. His body tells him he can’t do what he enjoys because he has cancer once again. He may be going through his second fight against cancer but he’s got lots of help in his battle. As he heads downtown in Underwood to pick up a few groceries, he constantly runs into people who tell him how much they have been thinking and praying for him. “It’s pretty hard to get depressed when people are telling you they are praying for you,” Ralph said. “You go to town for two bananas and you come home with two bananas and three hugs.” As he goes through his cancer treatments, his immunity has dropped, making hugs a risky thing. But they, like many other things, are risks he will continue to take in order to live out a good life. Among other risks are visits with good friends.



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