February 12, 2020

Easter eggs, sausage supper coming soon

And the winner is . . . Ken’s country style sausage fromTurtle Lake’s Main Street Market. That’s what will be served at the upcoming customer appreciation breakfast the Underwood Civic Club is planning for Wednesday, May 6, along with some healthy serving of pancakes.
That decision made, the group was able to focus on other events that will be going on in Underwood this spring, as well taking some time to focus on how they can build
their own businesses. The annual Pancake and Sausage Customer Appreciation Supper is set for Wednesday, May 6. Due to the lack of a local sausage maker/
grocery store, the members of the civic club will be doing a little taste-testing of the sausage options at the Turtle Lake and Washburn grocery stores before choosing which
option to go with for the supper.



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