September 3, 2015

Easement signed, Borchardt work starting

By Suzanne Werre

Work on the Borchardt Avenue section of the floodwater project in Underwood is slated to begin this week, tentatively yesterday (Wednesday).

Monday afternoon, Moore Engineering Project Engineer David Wicke said the work on Borchardt should really start ramping up midweek.

The entrance into Underwood onto McLean County 14 should also be open for traffic again.

Ditch and culvert work will continue along the bypass loop, as well as starting on Borchardt.

"They’re going to be staking (along Borchardt) Tuesday, which means the contractor probably won’t start doing any pavement removal until Wednesday," said Wicke.

He anticipates that only one block of Borchardt at a time will be impassable to local traffic.



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