August 27, 2009

County tax director looking at retirement

By Alyssa Schafer

McLean County will lose a veteran staff member by 2011, so the county commission is planning ahead. When Tax Director Lauren Hunze retires within the next couple of years, the county have an important position to fill. Right now Hunze serves as tax director and land use administrator. He has held this appointed position since 1976. As director of tax equalization, he is responsible for making sure local assessors use uniform methods and procedures in assessing property. He also advises the county commission on property tax administration. As part of his responsibilities as land use administrator, Hunze researches all zoning and land use issues for the county zoning and planning board. He then implements the board’s decisions according to county zoning regulations and state law. McLean County Director of Disaster Emergency Services Todd Schreiner has expressed an interest in phasing into the position after Hunze retires. A county employee since 2000, Schreiner is also the county veteran’s service officer.



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