July 3, 2012

Commission tackling post office issue

By Suzanne Werre, BHG News Service

With the threat of Underwood losing two hours per day of post office service looming, the Underwood City Commission is trying to come up with some ways to ensure the post office’s revenue doesn’t drop more than it already has since the city started allowing home delivery.  One way to increase the revenue would be if people would stop getting home delivery, which is free, and pay for a box at the post office, noted city auditor Diane Schell. According to Schell, the home delivery has really hit the post office’s revenues hard because there are so many people getting free delivery now.  According to Schell, the local postmaster feels that more people paying for a box at the post office would be an easy way to increase the local post office’s revenue, which might go a long way in keeping the post office hours where they are now. “She feels that if she had all those (in-town) boxes as paying for a box at the post office, it would be enough funding that she could show that we shouldn’t have a reduction in hours,” said Schell. “The only thing she can do is try to get more funding.”



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