January 9, 2013

City to tackle big-bucks items

By Suzanne Werre, BHG News Service

The city is looking at having to shell out some big bucks on some big projects before too long, and with the prospect of having to spend more than a million dollars on infrastructure for Underwood, commissioners decided to schedule a meeting where specifics on the upcoming proposed projects will be discussed. The commissioners on Monday got a brief rundown of some proposed projects from city engineer Ron Manchester of Toman Engineering, but commission president Rick Olson quickly proposed having a meeting where the scopes of the projects as well as potential expenses would be discussed. Some of the projects include installation of a water main to Swanson’s Addition (near Hatzy’s Repair/Grimsley’s), work on the master lift station to make it submersible, refurbishing of the water tower, street sealing/repair, City Hall roof resurfacing and furnace repair. City Auditor Diane Schell noted that the last time the streets were sealed, the cost was about $750,000, so she anticipates that expense alone this time around will be over a million dollars. With that information, and the knowledge that the street sealing is just one of several projects, the commission decided to hold a meeting next Tuesday to crunch some numbers and come up with a plan.



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