April 5, 2017

City springs into cleanup mode

By Suzanne Werre
It’s time to do some spring cleaning.
The Underwood City Commission is tackling its spring cleaning list, hoping to clean up and clear up any drainage issues that remain following the city’s storm water drainage project from two summers ago, and the street project the city tackled last summer.
First up at Monday’s regular city commission meeting was Moore Engineering’s Mike Foertsch, who addressed lingering concerns about the drainage on Borchardt Avenue.
Foertsch showed commissioners a concept drawing showing two catch basins at the intersection of Main St. and Borchardt would funnel water down into the sewer system. The portion of Borchardt Avenue that leads to the intersection will be built up with a “quarter-crown” area in the center of the street, with an addition of a layer of milling to aid in directing the water.
Harvey Schneider and Dave Thompson from Toman Engineering followed up Thompson’s concept, agreeing with Foertsch’s plan.
Thompson said that while Moore Engineering didn’t use the initial plan he would have recommended, what Moore Engineering did should be adequate.



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