November 5, 2014

City says no more Jake brakes

By Suzanne Werre

The city is cracking down on the use of Jake brakes, the loud engine-braking system that enables an 18-wheel driver to slow down his truck without using his brakes.

Commissioners looked through some different examples of other cities’ engine noise ordinances, approving the first reading of an ordinance that prohibits the use of Jake brakes. Local sheriff’s deputies will enforce the noise ordinance, not the highway patrol, noted Schell, which will carry a $250 fine.

In a move to get things rolling as far as the city’s Sales and Use tax ordinance – going on the assumption that the measure would pass in Tuesday’s city special election – commissioners approved the first reading of the sales and use tax ordinance, which will earmark a half-percent sales tax to fund the city’s floodwater project for the next 20 years. If the sales tax is defeated, the commission will not have a second reading, and it will not be added to the city’s ordinances.

Commissioners briefly discussed chipping and sealing of the city’s streets when the water project is complete. Auditor Diane Schell noted the cost for chipping and sealing the last time it was done $745,000, adding that there are new streets that would need to be done as well. Commissioners will ask a representative of Toman Engineering to come to the next meeting to discuss a potential chipping and sealing project. Commissioners also plan to discuss the streets in the Westridge Estates Addition, which were designed by Toman Engineering.



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