September 23, 2021

Busses and fuel talk leads discussions

Busses and fuel talk leads discussions


The Turtle Lake-Mercer (TL-M) school board met September 15 at 7 p.m. at the school in Turtle Lake. In attendance were council members; Rick Britton, Josh Freeman, Brent Ravnaas, Megan Sparrow, Brent Fast, Brian O’Shea and Josh Ruffo. Also in attendance were superintendent Sheila
Schla fmann, business manager Susan Davis, and principal Steven Heyd.

President Britton called the meeting to order and introduced Central McLean News-Journal editor Todd Kjelland to the board before calling for final approval of the agenda. On the motion from Sparrow, seconded by Fast the agenda was approved with one addition, a Red Cross emergency shelter agreement.

Minutes from the August 16 meeting along with financial reports and bills were approved without discussion on the motion from Ruffo seconded by Ravnaas.



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