March 30, 2017

Board prepares for influx of ‘K’ students

By Suzanne Werre
The Underwood School Board went into executive session following Tuesday’s regular school board meeting, but before that, they discussed the potential needs for the upcoming school year.
Supt. Brandt Dick informed the board members that the school is expecting a high number of kindergarten students this fall, suggesting the board hire a second teacher to handle the large number of students. He noted the board could hire  a teacher for a one-year contract, but that it also looks like there may be teachers retiring in the near future, so some teachers’ positions could be switched around to accommodate the needs of the students and the different classes.
“We’ll have to look at our numbers coming in, and how long will we do that,” said Supt. Dick.
He added that 20 is the suggested cut-off for the number of kindergarten students in one class, and 24 is the max, so it is in the students’ best to hire an additional kindergarten teacher.



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