July 11, 2012

Augustana youth accept their mission

By Michael Johnson, Editor

Tell the youth of the Augustana Lutheran Church that they get to go on a mission trip, where they will be expected to work, and you’ll get a surprising amount of enthusiasm. Tell that they have to work to raise money for their working trip and, surprisingly, they are still up for the challenge. Every three years the National Lutheran Youth Organization has an opportunity for youth to have an experience of a lifetime. This year that trip for nine Underwood youth and three Underwood adults takes them back to New Orleans, where the church went three years ago. The last trip was shortly after Hurricane Katrina wiped out the region. The youth worked to clean up areas impacted at that time. This time, the youth will be traveling to libraries in order to help set up book shelves and aide in organizing the libraries. They will also be reading to youth while down there. The theme of this year’s convention is ‘Stewards with the Saints.’ These missions are set up with Literacy Matters and Practicing Justice.



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