September 10, 2009

A harvest of friends

By Stu Merry

The call went out and neighbors responded – all in a big way. Underwood area farmer Jeff Delzer was injured in a freak farm accident Monday, Aug, 31. Freshly swathed fields of grain lay waiting to be harvested. But with Delzer laid up in a Bismarck hospital, those rows of spring wheat could have stayed in their swath for quite a while -- but not if neighbor Paul Anderson could help it. Upon hearing the news, Anderson called Delzer’s brother Tim who had been helping out on the farm. "I asked him what we could do … he said ‘we have grain on the ground.’ I got on the horn and invited a few neighbors over, and everybody was happy to come and get this taken care of for Jeff," he said. "I guess it pays to have a big Rolodex," he added. Delzer, a District 4 representative, remains in St. Alexius Medical Center with a variety of injuries, including a broken right wrist, right leg, left shoulder and broken nose. He said Tuesday he is feeling better and is on the mend.



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