Central McLean News-Journal - News

A semi load of perishable food items will roll into Underwood from 4 to 6 p.m. on Aug. 22 next to the Underwood City Hall.

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Oil development in North Dakota has added pressure on at least some parts of McLean County.

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Underwood’s city commission made quick work of a short list of items on Monday night’s agenda...

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Ever so silently, in the hills east of the Missouri River, a husband and wife are slowly bringing back an animal that at one time helped tame the wild west.

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A product holding together a great deal of our community infrastructure has been balancing between a helpful by-product and hazardous waste since about 2010.

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Folks living along and west of Summit Street have been hearing the rumble of big equipment for weeks now as two major construction projects have been moving ahead in Underwood.

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When Underwood’s St. John’s Lutheran Church decided to put up a new lighted sign outside the church, the members had to decide what to do with the wide-open spot on the property that would be left when the old sign was removed.

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July 17, 2013

GRE’s request denied

There will be no oil field waste dumpsite in McLean County – at least for now.

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July 17, 2013

Care for the kids

With a boom in the job market in North Dakota, many 20 and 30 somethings have returned home to grow their family in a safe environment with great job opportunities.

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If you asked Riverdale residents about their ambulance department a year ago, they might have told you it was dying a slow death.

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