Central McLean News-Journal - News

Farmers often don’t lock their doors–there’s never been a need to. They’ve always felt pretty safe living out in the country--until now.

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The fourth-graders at Underwood Public School have been getting a lot of hands-on experience in their history class this year...

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There will be two names on the school board ballot on June 10, as current school board president Brad Landenberger is running unopposed...

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"If I’ve helped at least one in all my years here, if I have helped at least one, and I’ve made a difference in one person’s life, that just means the world to me."

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The Comet Kids Daycare Center and the city have a few details to iron out, but the two groups will be entering into an agreement where the daycare center building...

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Generally, the message given at a church isn’t meant to be laughed at.

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Underwood’s Ashley Ross has a flair for turning something old and used, something plain and ordinary into a showpiece, something anybody would be proud to show off in their home.

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The North Dakota Newspaper Association (NDNA) Hall of Fame has found a prominent place in the new addition to the North Dakota Heritage Center in Bismarck.

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April 30, 2014

This Jewel is a gem

Little Jewel Maxwell was only about 2-years -ld when she saw her grandma Verlaine get her waist-long hair cut for Locks of Love five years ago.

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