Central McLean News-Journal - News

Locals who may be feeling the yen for a pumpkin pie spiced latte or a peppermint mocha won’t have to travel nearly an hour to get one anymore, as the employees at the Spillway Café in Riverdale will happily fill those orders.

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November 23, 2015

Standing behind coal

Hundreds of concerned business-owners, government officials, and North Dakota residents crammed into the Bavendick Stateroom at Bismarck State College’s National Energy Center of Excellence on Nov. 16 for a meeting hosted by the North Dakota Department of Health to address new EPA emission regulations.

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November 23, 2015

Housing, hardware EDC topics

Underwood’s economic developer Wendy Spencer has a list of things to follow up on after Thursday’s regular monthly meeting of the Underwood Area Economic Development Corporation.

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Turnout at a meeting in Beulah regarding the Clean Power Plan exceeded all expectations.

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They call her the "Cat Wrangler of Underwood."

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November 10, 2015

Threatening a livelihood

A recently announced Environmental Protection Agency mandate, saying how much power plants must reduce their emissions, has plant and coal mine operators in McLean County on the edge of their seats.

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November 10, 2015

Welcome to the Hunger Games

Fans of The Hunger Games books or movies won’t want to miss the Underwood Public Library’s tribute to The Hunger Games this Friday.

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November 4, 2015

City going with Circle

The green garbage totes that line the streets on garbage day will be replaced by gray ones this January, after commissioners approved a contract with Circle Sanitation to be the city’s garbage contractor.

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We always appreciate the things we don’t have.

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They’re always learning something. Both the seniors, and their senior buddies.

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