Central McLean News-Journal - News

Before even tackling any new business at Monday’s city commission meeting, Underwood’s city commissioners found themselves transferring money from one of the city funds to another, rather than cashing in some CDs to make up for year-end deficits.

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December 30, 2015

Looking back on 2015

City commissioners and members of the Underwood Area Economic Development Corporation, headed by economic developer Tyler Demars, have decided to have a meeting to iron out what the city would like to see from the UAEDC.

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With the goal of absolutely sticking to the $2 million or less sticker price of a new addition to the school, the Underwood School Board members are planning a meeting with the construction manager hired to work on the project this Monday to iron out the plans.

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The city approved a change order and payment #10 for the nearly-finished floodwater project, doling out $58,900 to Weisz Engineering and $174,000 to Moore Engineering at Wednesday’s meeting, moving another step closer to an actual finished floodwater project.

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Trying to come up with a standard policy regarding hiring practices for county job applicants is proving to be a long process.

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A wintertime visitor has been visiting the students and staff members of the Underwood Elementary School lately, making the rounds from room to room, going on different adventures each day.

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December 17, 2015

Grille re-opens

The Underwood Grille and Lounge had a soft re-opening a little over a week ago after staffing problems forced the closure of the restaurant/bar in November.

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The Underwood Emergency Services Department will be holding an Emergency Medical Technician course starting in January.

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Charity Balyeat, 14, looked a little different than the other high school girls at the city hall last Tuesday.

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December 2, 2015

Water project ‘DONE’

The city of Underwood just finished one major project, and the city commissioners are looking at doing another one next year, as the commissioners turned their attention to street repair at their last meeting.

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