Central McLean News-Journal - News

Daryl Tetzloff may not exactly have a career in interior design awaiting him any time soon, but he decorated his NoDak Marine business just the way he wanted to – it looks just like a boat shop.

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If you’re into cars – and even if you’re not into cars, you will want to check out Underwood’s MidSummer Classic this Saturday, as the group presents its sixth annual parade and car and motorcycle show.

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The punch list is getting shorter.

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Underwood’s new City Commission President will be Leon Weisenburger – if he accepts the position.

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Abby Landenberger doesn’t plan on becoming a teacher, but she just returned from a three-week stint teaching science and English in Kenya, and she would do it again in a heartbeat.

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Moore Engineering’s Jesse Berg took center stage for much of Monday’s regular city commission meeting in Underwood, giving the commissioners an update on last year’s storm water drainage project – and the commissioners followed up by giving him an earful.

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June 8, 2016

A hole-lot going on

The deconstruction phase of the Underwood High School is pretty obvious as one walks near the school – the lawn is torn up and there is a gaping hole in the front of the building.

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Common core or no common core, Underwood Title 1 teacher Patti Lawson has spent the last 16 years of her life ensuring Underwood’s students are able to master their "readin’, writin’ and ‘rithmatic’ as well as they possibly can before they move on to high school.

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Work is beginning this week on the $2 million addition to the Underwood School following last week’s groundbreaking.

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It took quite a few years to get there, but Wednesday afternoon, members of the Underwood School board...

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