Central McLean News-Journal - News

January 24, 2018

Opponent turned supporter

Four years ago, Curt Olson put his name on the ballot as a candidate for county sheriff.

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The Underwood City Commission is looking for more transparency from the city of Riverdale and its representatives on the joint Underwood/Riverdale/North Central Rural Water Consortium as the water board looks at having to replace the water tower in Riverdale.

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It all started with a dream of Kara Smalls, special education teacher at Turtle Lake Mercer School, to open a small coffee shop by the name of Cup of Inspiration.

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The city of Turtle Lake is entering 2018 with no regular police coverage from the McLean County Sheriff’s Department.

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What is the purpose of the Underwood Civic Club?

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The Underwood News and the McLean County Journal are now being published as Central McLean News-Journal. All subscribers to both newspapers are receiving the first issue of this regional publication.

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The Turtle Lake-Mercer School Board Activity Committee Meeting reported on discussions at the Sports Co-op meeting held in November.

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December 27, 2017

The year that was -- 2017

The year 2017 brought a rough start to an Underwood family that was hit with a winter-related could-be catastrophe that ended up – not as bad as they could have been.

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December 27, 2017

SmartLab coming to school

Students at the Underwood School will get to experience working with a SmartLab shortly after they come back to school after the holiday break.

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The city of Underwood is turning 115 years old this summer, and the alumni of Underwood School will be getting together to celebrate, combining their efforts with those of the MidSummer Classic, to make one spectacular weekend.

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