Central McLean News-Journal - News

The activity bus needs work, showing rust in spots and the ABS system needs work

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Classic car, bike show set for Saturday

With temperatures expected to be hovering around 90 degrees this Saturday, with clear skies, the annual MidSummer Classic Car and Motorcycle Show in Underwood looks to be shaping up to be a picture-perfect event.

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Outside of routine meeting and financial item review and approvals, the main item on the June Turtle Lake City commission meeting was the Comprehensive Plan Development for the City of Turtle Lake.

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Get ready for a Big Boom

A new business is going to be popping up at Underwood along US 83 in the next week or so.

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June 18, 2019

Turtle races a go

There will be turtle races at this year’s Turtle Days – but will there be turtles in the parade?

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Tower construction going according to plan

Aside from switching the plans for the locations of a couple water mains from one side of the street to the other, the water line improvements and construction of the new water tower are going according to schedule.

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The forecast is for mostly sunny, 75-degree weather this weekend. Even if that forecast doesn’t pan out, Rain or Shine, It’s Fair Time in Underwood, site of the 63rd annual McLean County Fair.

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United Methodist closing after 116 years

After 116 years, the Underwood United Methodist Church is doing its final doxology this Sunday.

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The early bird is known to get the worm. Next week, the early bird shoppers will be the ones who rake in the biggest and best bargains at the Underwood Fire, Ambulance and Rescue fundraiser rummage sale, starting Thursday, June 13 at 4:30 p.m.

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UHS grads urged to put best foot forward

Underwood’s four honor students encouraged their classmates and those attending Sunday’s graduation ceremonies to be present, take in what life has to offer, put their best foot forward, but not to take life too seriously.

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