Central McLean News-Journal - News

Saxberg takes commission seat

Before tackling any city business Thursday night, the Underwood City Commissioners took care of some commission business – that being naming the newest member to the commission, one who would replace former commissioner Jay Snyder who recently resigned.

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Blotske takes reins of Comettes dance team

Coaching a dance team isn’t just about making sure the team members know the choreography and are ready to perform with a smile when they hit the floor. First-year head coach of the Underwood Comettes varsity dance team Courtney Blotske can attest to that.

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Construction has stopped on the new Turtle Lake water tower, and the city leaders are working with the contractor to determine when it will be finished.

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TL-M students, staff seeing benefits of added support

About half-way through their three years of comprehensive support directed by the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction, the students and staff are reaping the rewards of that support, this school year putting a lot of emphasis on improving the students’ writing capabilities.

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Local kids turned out in big numbers at the Underwood Civic Club’s annual Kids Shopping Day this past Wednesday, spending about double in Santa Dollars of what was spent last year.

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Grimsley’s damaged during vehicle crash

The cost of repairs has yet to be determined, but the damage to Grimsley’s Fuel and Convenience was extensive after an Underwood man lost control of his vehicle in the early morning Thursday, driving off the roadway and hitting the northwest end of the convenience store.

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The Kountry Kids are ready to welcome shoppers, vendors, crafters and cooks to this year’s annual Holiday Craft and Bake Sale in Underwood this Saturday, opening the doors to shoppers at Underwood City Hall at 10 a.m.

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Doc caps career at 35 years
November 26, 2019

Doc caps career at 35 years

For the first time in 35 years, the Dockter is out.

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The Central McLean Sports Cooperative met at 6:30 on November 20 at McClusky School with a supper served at 6 p.m.

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Snyder resigns; comm. looking to appoint

The Underwood City Commission is hoping somebody or even more than one somebody will step up and volunteer to be appointed to the Underwood City Commission for the next six months or so, following the resignation of long-time commissioner Jay Snyder at Wednesday’s monthly meeting.

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