Central McLean News-Journal - News
Pies with a purpose
TruCommunity Banks helped raise money for Camp of the Cross
TL Chamber holds cornhole tournament
Nine teams participated in Turtle Lake’s first cornhole tournament
Dollars for Scholars Phone-a-Thon
A group of Turtle Lake-Mercer juniors and seniors spent Monday evening making calls for donations
Underwood comprehensive plan nears completion
A project that began in June 2022
Outdoor complex study presented in Underwood
Underwood residents were presented a feasibility study for an outdoor complex during a community comprehensive planning update meeting Wednesday, Jan 25 in the Underwood High School lobby.
Speaking out on superintendent bill
School boards, administrators from McLean County testify against HB 1251
School board adopts required critical race theory policy
The Turtle Lake-Mercer school board adopted a policy that clarifies the process to review curriculum as it relates to critical race theory. Teaching critical race theory is banned in North Dakota.
TL-M FFA members place at nationals
Four TL-M FFA members traveled to Fort Collins, Colorado to compete at the Western National FFA Meats Judging contest.