Central McLean News-Journal - News

Valuations have gone up for most cities in the county, with increases ranging from one percent in Ruso to 17 percent in Underwood.

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Criminals in McLean County have another officer to be afraid of when violating the law.

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Underwood has been selected to participate in the third North Dakota Horizons community development project, a program facilitated by the NDSU Extension Service and funded by the Northwest Area Foundation of St. Paul, MN.

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With the upcoming presidential election, many McLean County residents may be thinking about voting.

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September 18, 2008

Quilting for a cause

“I wonder – what could I find that would represent Riverdale?” Those were the thoughts of Bev Leingang, Riverdale city auditor, when trying to think of something she could donate from Riverdale that could be used for a North Dakota League of Cities silent auction later this month.

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The 18-foot increase in the level of Garrison reservoir this year is most welcome, but it has tested the contractor working on the new marina at the Fort Stevenson State Park.

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When the McLean County Courthouse closed for several days, residents from around the community crossed their fingers that the two-day inconvenience would lead to a successful and complete cleaning.

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Fox Lawson and Associations out of St. Paul helps companies strategically align employee compensation and benefit dollars.

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Enrollment in K-12 may be down this year from last, but there’s good news for next year, as 29 preschoolers are registered. Superintendent Dale Ekstrom said Underwood School Board members approved hiring a half-time teacher at the Aug. 21 meeting, which allows Dawnae Lee to teach full-time preschool.

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Passports required June 2009 for Canada-Mexico travel. You don’t need them yet, but many Underwood residents were planning ahead and took the opportunity to get their passports locally.

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