Central McLean News-Journal - News

Looking out the window it is obvious that this is a winter to remember.

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Hearing about building problems at the McLean County courthouse is nothing new to area residents.

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January 1, 2009

After the storm

It is 6 a.m. the morning after a weekend blizzard that has blown through McLean County for two days.

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Any woman who has married a farmer or rancher or has been the child of one has learned that farmers and ranchers are a different breed of men and that it takes a special woman to understand that.

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Underwood School Board members voted a pay raise after finding they were not being paid comparable to area schools.

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December 25, 2008

Sub-zero temperatures

McLean County Commissioners braved the elements to get to the Dec. 22 regular meeting, with temperatures hovering near -20 degrees.

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A winter storm that blew into the area on Saturday with sub-zero wind chills, snow and nearly zero visibility didn't stop little shoppers from filling their Christmas lists.

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County commissioners had more than one opportunity during the Dec. 9 meeting to show their support and appreciation for the years of work provided by several McLean County employees.

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December 11, 2008

Santa Day adds new events

There's a whole weekend of traditional, along with some new, events planned for the Underwood Civic Club's Santa Day on Dec. 13 and Community Christmas Concert on Dec. 14.

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Congregation members of St. John's Lutheran Church are donating food and labor to put on a supper for the community and to benefit the McLean Family Resource Center's food pantry.

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