Central McLean News-Journal - News

McLean County officials got their first look Monday at the $8.1 million 2010 proposed budget.

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Teamwork was what everyone had in mind during last week’s "Stone Soup" meeting.

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She’s the the first to admit teaching is tough, but Underwood’s new second grade teacher enjoys rising to the occasion.

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Two of Underwood’s most popular meeting places are out of order, but community leaders are working together to revive the city’s restaurants.

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September 10, 2009

A harvest of friends

The call went out and neighbors responded – all in a big way. Underwood area farmer Jeff Delzer was injured in a freak farm accident Monday, Aug, 31.

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The new kid in school always has it rough, but Deann Brunelle manages pretty well.

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McLean County officials would like all residents to stand up and be counted.

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September 3, 2009

New bus barn in the works

One of the Underwood school board’s first projects this year will be the planning and construction of a new bus barn.

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McLean County will lose a veteran staff member by 2011, so the county commission is planning ahead.

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Language immersion had Rebecca Lawson thinking in German this summer.

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