Central McLean News-Journal - News
Signs could help showcase Underwood
Other than a highway sign pointing out Underwood along the highway or a duck crossing the road, drivers have little reason to stop as they pass by at 70 miles per hour.
Give an hour to help children read
The library’s reading program works to bring more reading opportunities to area children.
Spring water to be pumped away from Westridge
Water from spring melt has caused a bit of a problem in the past but Underwood City commissioners are looking into flushing the problem away.
Clothing Pantry is no more
It was a place for locals to buy cheap, quality clothes and get a little bit of friendly chatter on the side.
Grab a napkin: New steak house coming to town
Scott Sackman and his wife Dawn are the new proud owners of the BobKats Cafe and Steak House on Lincoln Ave. in Underwood as of April 15.
Workers put the finishing touches on Underwood Inn
This summer when Underwood fills up, whether it be for the Relay For Life, the McLean County Fair, the Harvest Festival or any number of events, there will be a few more places for visitors to stay the night.
Old cuckoo clocks bring back old times
Calling Joe and JoAnn Fleischman a little cuckoo isn’t too far off the mark.
McLean County Social services, Weed and Pest have a new home
To replace or to restore the McLean County Courthouse is a big decision.
Snow, power outages across region
The Easter weekend started out with power outages and poor travel for much of McLean County as a storm dumped 5 to 9 inches of wet snow in the area on Friday.
Changes may be coming to cleanup week
If you plan on getting rid of a refrigerator or air conditioning unit during the annual cleanup week in Underwood it might cost you a bit more than in years past.