Central McLean News-Journal - News

Being a pastor, Barry Zietz has learned to appreciate the good in each and every person.

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"No boundaries," that’s what Joe Fleischman is planning for his new consignment store, The Coal Bin consignment store.

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Mailboxes, unlicensed cars, wind towers, health violations … you name it, city commissioners discussed it at the last Underwood City Commission meeting held Nov. 1.

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When speaking of economic development, the students of Underwood are aware that it takes business development, it takes community beautification and it takes more opportunities.

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Ever get that feeling you’re being watched?

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A three-person crew is steadily assembling a new home in the Westridge Estates in Underwood.

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The McLean County Sheriff’s Department was represented by Sheriff Don Charging and deputies Craig Salhus and Gordon Malaterre at the last regular Underwood City Commission meeting held Oct. 18.

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McLean County voters will be heading to the polls Nov. 2.

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The question of what makes something art is the subject of discussion in many an art class.

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Since an early age young Jeffrey Higbie was interested in the legal thriller-style writings of John Grisham.

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