Central McLean News-Journal - News

Kjelden Cundiff, 42, an author living in Springhill, Fla., calls his first published book, "The Cold November Son," a labor of love.

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These days fewer and fewer readers are choosing to buy that crisp new book when they can download a book on a sleek and smaller electronic reading device.

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January 20, 2011

Coping with crisis

When a crisis like suicide hits a community, it’s not something that can be resolved in short order.

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The Positive Person of 2010 recognition was started as a way to honor those who have gone above and beyond just doing their job.

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While water funds seem to be doing well in Underwood, sewer and garbage rates will rise. City auditor Diane Schell recommended not changing the water rate as the water fund is $16,000 in the plus.

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Pay hikes for teachers grew in the single digits over the past years.

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January 6, 2011

Give T-shirts new life

The life cycle of the T-shirt often goes from that favorite-fitting cotton tee to a floor scrubbing rag in a matter of a few years.

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The city has been ordered by the First District Health Unit to clean the property of Blackie Weisenburger of any junk, trash or miscellaneous debris.

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If all goes as planned, Elk Ridge Apartments in Underwood will be sold to a new owner today.

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Administration at Underwood School think it’s time for a more reliable phone system and the school board of directors agrees.

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