Central McLean News-Journal - News

Ever get that feeling you’re being watched?

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A three-person crew is steadily assembling a new home in the Westridge Estates in Underwood.

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The McLean County Sheriff’s Department was represented by Sheriff Don Charging and deputies Craig Salhus and Gordon Malaterre at the last regular Underwood City Commission meeting held Oct. 18.

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McLean County voters will be heading to the polls Nov. 2.

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The question of what makes something art is the subject of discussion in many an art class.

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Since an early age young Jeffrey Higbie was interested in the legal thriller-style writings of John Grisham.

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The McLean County delinquent taxpayers owing over $4,000 continues to shrink.

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No one could disagree with economic and community developer Becky Bowen when she said that Underwood has a lot going for it already.

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If this were the 1800s you could bet that crime would be dealt with by the eagle-eye roping skills of Sheriff Don Charging riding through the muddy streets on the back of his horse Soda Pop.

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A limited liability company formed by Norfarms, Great River Energy and Headwaters, Inc. is nearing completion on another massive structure housed near the Blue Flint Ethanol plant as well as the Coal Creek Power Plant.

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