Central McLean News-Journal - News
A friend of the farm
After 35 years as an NDSU extension agent for McLean County, you’d think the people from around the county would have some pretty good stories to tell about Pat Carpentier as he retires.
Woes of flood waters widespread
Highway superintendent Ron Wagner gave a brief summary of what the water is doing to area highways during the McLean County Commission meeting Monday morning.
County declares flood emergency
Issues of flooding in the county has led to McLean County Commissioners declaring a flood emergency.
Business consultant ready to serve
Brent Fjeldheim’s first impression of North Dakota was that the people had a positive perspective on their economy.
Supt. agrees to fill Underwood position
Hazelton-Moffit-Braddock Superintendent and Secondary Principal Brandt Dick has agreed to sign a two-year contract to fill the half-time superintendent position in the Underwood School District starting for the 2011-12 school year.
New additions in the public library
The Underwood Library has added some new inventory recently that allows visitors to stop in for more than just a good read.
Small Business Center opening Friday
The McLean Sheridan Small Business Development Center in Underwood is set to open April 1 with a grand opening to follow a few weeks later.
The Coal Bin to start accepting consignments
A new business is soon to open its door to the community and the owner’s wish is that it may truly be a store for the community.
Coleharbor native develops lunar skid steer
If man is ever going to survive on the moon, one of the first steps is to create some extreme mining equipment.
Having trouble finding a job?
Taking that first step into owning and running your own business can be a frightening idea.