Central McLean News-Journal - News

Underwood City Commissioners prioritized the sidewalks they want created and/or improved at their regular Monday night meeting this week, giving their list to Toman Engineering’s Dave Thompson, who will return to the commission’s next meeting on April 2 with the new proposed plan specs and mapping.

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March 21, 2012

The ever-blooming Rose

Anyone involved with the Underwood Arts Council and its planned renovation of the former Rose Theater on Lincoln Ave. knew when they signed on they had a big job -- make that many big jobs -- ahead of them, but the members of the council will soon be able to consider job one finished.

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March 14, 2012

County’s income rising

An increase in oil and gas revenues and a jump in state revenue sharing is padding county coffers this year.

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The Underwood City Commission voted 3-1 in favor of going ahead with the Safe Routes to School proposed sidewalk route at its Monday night meeting, but there’s a stipulation.

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Entrepreneurs from McLean County made plans to fill the Underwood gym on Wednesday as the Entrepreneur Fair took place from 11 a.m. to noon and 12:30 to 2 p.m.

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An announcement made by senators John Hoeven and Kent Conrad, congressman Rick Berg, and Governor Jack Dalrymple on Friday was music to most of the area coal industries ears.

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February 29, 2012

Merger approved

With a vote of 61-1 it was clear the voting members of Falkirk Farmers Elevator, Hazen Elevator and CHS/Garrison Farmers Union Elevator agreed that a merger was in their best interest.

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The Underwood School Board will have fewer members after this spring’s June election after voters this past Tuesday approved reducing the board from its current seven members to an eventual five members as terms expire.

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Several 911 calls were received at about 6:45 p.m. Feb. 9, after a semi collided with a pickup truck at the southern entrance to Underwood along US Hwy 83.

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Underwood city commissioners discussed building sizes during their last regular meeting.

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