Central McLean News-Journal - News

An unlikely outcome of the recent burning of T-Bones Restaurant is the opportunity for the community to buy into a new restaurant through a local cooperation, Underwood Commercial Properties (UCP).

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The Underwood School District holds to a standard of providing students the best education possible.

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At a county-wide meeting held at the Underwood City Hall last Thursday, the oil patch area in western North Dakota, particularly around the Stanley and Tioga area, was described as a “bison stampede,” by Mountrail County commissioner Greg Boschee---and not the good kind of Bison stampede that wins national football championships.

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A developer near Ryder has plans of a 120-unit temporary housing facility with a convenience store and all the options for people looking for housing as they come from afar for a job in the oil fields.

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After suicide struck the community of Underwood last year, a group of residents have not been able to forget the void.

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Not everyone in Underwood wants to eat at their kitchen table or from a sack lunch everyday.

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McLean County townships are eager to continue fixing roads.

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The new McLean County courthouse is rising up smoothly alongside the Law Enforcement Center and current courthouse.

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The beginning of 2011 was a frightful one as snow covered an already wet state.

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The Underwood City Commission received a letter of concern from residents along Sayler Street regarding traffic damaging their street.

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