Central McLean News-Journal - News

The city approved the sale of City Lots 4-5, on Block 1 Stewart’s 2nd Addition to Underwood resident and city commissioner Jim Bailey on Jan. 22.

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A crowd of about 30 local residents gathered in the Underwood City Hall on Saturday to discuss the future of the Sanford Health Underwood Continuing Care Center, formerly Prairieview Nursing Home.

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Normally, the little hand warmers the construction workers stick inside their gloves do a pretty good job of keeping their hands warm...

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It’s the first business to welcome in the many that pass by Underwood everyday.

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January 16, 2013

Nursing home to close

A decision was made to begin the closure of the Sanford Health Underwood Continuing Care Center, formerly known as Medcenter One Prairieview Nursing Home on Tuesday.

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The sales of guns in the country shot through the roof since the shooting at Newtown, Conn.

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The city is looking at having to shell out some big bucks on some big projects before too long...

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Pastor Jason Buchmann of the First Assembly of God Church in Underwood is sure the reason some churches just fade away and disappear is because they stay too much within themselves, they don’t reach out.

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Dennis Kost hopes to raise the level of optimism for those that would like to see the McLean County Courthouse remain standing.

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The Underwood School Board gave Supt. Brandt Dick the flashing yellow light to proceed cautiously with discussions on the school entering into an agreement with other schools within the county to hire a resource officer.

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