Central McLean News-Journal - News

There is no special city meeting scheduled to discuss the "white supremacists" that have moved to Underwood.

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Cancer stinks. And that’s putting it lightly.

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Imagine your child is playing on the monkey bars, hanging upside down like he always does, and he slips, falling to the ground in a heap.

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Most people didn’t even know Coleharbor’s Heith Pochant was sick, he says.

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There was plenty of barking going on in the hallways at Garrison High School this past Thursday.

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The weather outside was frightful, but talk about gardening plots, farmers markets, pallet gardens and warm weather activities were on the minds of about a dozen Underwood residents at the Underwood Area Economic Development Corporation annual meeting Monday evening.

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January 29, 2014

Rusted Rail ready to roll

Long-time friends Brandon Sem and Landen Lauf took a slice out of history when naming their new restaurant along U.S. Highway 83 at Underwood.

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Working to grant a lot of patrons’ wishes, the Underwood School Board on Monday afternoon adopted its final 2014-15 school calendar, taking into consideration a lot of recommendations from patrons as well as staff members.

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As the Underwood Comettes look at competing at the North Dakota Association of Dance and Drill state competition this weekend...

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The four McLean County Fair Board positions have been filled and the board is already busy setting plans in motion for the 2014 county fair, which is set for June 20-22 this summer at the fair grounds in Underwood.

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